Fastify 中文文档 (v2.7.1)

Fluent Schema

The Validation and Serialization has explained all the parameter accepted by Fastify to set a JSON Schema Validation, to validates the input, and a JSON Schema Serialization to optimize the output.

To set up the JSON schemas of our Fastify application, we can use fluent-schema to simplify this task and reuse constants values.

Basic settings

const S = require('fluent-schema')

// You can have an object like this, or query a db to get the values
const MY_KEY = {
  KEY1: 'ONE',
  KEY2: 'TWO'

const bodyJsonSchema = S.object()
  .prop('someKey', S.string())
  .prop('someOtherKey', S.number())
  .prop('requiredKey', S.array().maxItems(3).items(S.integer()).required())
  .prop('nullableKey', S.mixed([S.TYPES.NUMBER, S.TYPES.NULL]))
  .prop('multipleTypesKey', S.mixed([S.TYPES.BOOLEAN, S.TYPES.NUMBER]))
  .prop('multipleRestrictedTypesKey', S.oneOf([S.string().maxLength(5), S.number().minimum(10)]))
  .prop('enumKey', S.enum(Object.values(MY_KEYS)))
  .prop('notTypeKey', S.not(S.array()))

const queryStringJsonSchema = S.object()
  .prop('name', S.string())
  .prop('excitement', S.integer())

const paramsJsonSchema = S.object()
  .prop('par1', S.string())
  .prop('par2', S.integer())

const headersJsonSchema = S.object()
  .prop('x-foo', S.string().required())

// note that there is no need to call `.valueOf()`!
const schema = {
  body: bodyJsonSchema,
  querystring: queryStringJsonSchema, // (or) query: queryStringJsonSchema
  params: paramsJsonSchema,
  headers: headersJsonSchema
}'/the/url', { schema }, handler)


With fluent-schema you can manipulate your schemas in an easier and programmatic way and then reuse them thanks to the addSchema() method. You can refer to the schema in two different manners that are detailed in document.

Here some example usage:

$ref-way: refer to external schema.

const addressSchema = S.object()

const commonSchemas = S.object()
  .definition('addressSchema', addressSchema)
  .definition('otherSchema', otherSchema) // you can add any schemas you need


const bodyJsonSchema = S.object()
  .prop('residence', S.ref('https://fastify/demo#address')).required()
  .prop('office', S.ref('https://fastify/demo#/definitions/addressSchema')).required()

const schema = { body: bodyJsonSchema }'/the/url', { schema }, handler)

replace-way: refer to a shared schema to replace before the validation process.

const sharedAddressSchema = {
  $id: 'sharedAddress',
  type: 'object',
  required: ['line1', 'country', 'city', 'zipcode'],
  properties: {
    line1: { type: 'string' },
    line2: { type: 'string' },
    country: { type: 'string' },
    city: { type: 'string' },
    zipcode: { type: 'string' }

const bodyJsonSchema = {
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    vacation: 'sharedAddress#'

const schema = { body: bodyJsonSchema }'/the/url', { schema }, handler)

NB: you can mix up the usage $ref-way and the replace-way with fastify.addSchema.